How to open your company, get your residence visa and open your bank account with NO STRESS

In this post, and after successful implementation of this package, I want to introduce the premium hassle free comprehensive package by Plutus Financial Protection

  • Company license: 3 days
  • E-Visa: 5 days
  • Medical Test and National ID Application: 4 hours VIP service with pickup and dropoff
  • Bank account opening: 15 working days with facilitated procedure
  • Yacht party by Neptune Yachts : timeless experience

This full package will help you without stress and worries, to relocate easily your existing business in UAE where the taxation is zero. And you can also avail this package if you want to start a brand new business, at Plutus we will assist you until you have your bank account opened to collect payments from your clients.

Scared to start abroad? Scared to be unfamiliar with procedures, locations etc.?

You can now relax, and rely on professionals. Stop worrying about taxes, stop worrying about relocation.

The time is now.